Care To Go Shopping?

Marriage Moments will include questions and/or exercises to start conversations. They will provide an an opportunity to know yourself and your partner better. Check in with your LifeMate to see if this is a good time for them to answer these questions. If it is not a convenient time schedule a later time that would […]
Sexuality Is To Be Enjoyed

Wisdom From the World “Many men would agree mountains are beautiful and sunsets: oceans, rivers, brooks, lakes each have their particular glory. Ditto for the night sky, the stars, the full moon. For the day sky too, sunrise, white clouds, the bird in flight, rainbow, and the majesty of a storm. Yet still with all […]
Sexuality Was Meant to Create Connection

Wisdom From the World “I blame my mother for my poor sex life. All she told me was, “The man goes on top and the woman underneath.” For three years my husband and I slept in bunk beds.” – Joan Rivers “The sexiest thing a man can do to his woman is crawl inside her […]
Parenthood Is Not A Laughing Matter

Wisdom From The World: “Be a mother who is committed to loving her children into standing on higher ground than the environment surrounding them.” – Marjorie Pay Hinckley “Fathers and mothers,” she found herself saying, “ leave their mark, no matter if we’ve known them for a lifetime or only a day.” – Nalini Singh […]
A Love Song In The Darkness

Wisdom From the World In moments of discouragement, defeat or even despair there are always certain things to cling to. Little things usually: remembered laughter, the face of a sleeping child, a tree in the wind-in fact, any reminder of something deeply felt or deeply loved. No man is so poor as not to have […]
Are You Embracing The Opportunities In Front Of You?

Wisdom From The World “My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful, and caring.” – Prince William “Loving isn’t something you do to get a result-it’s an action that, in itself, fills you with joy and therefore fulfills its own purpose at each moment.” – Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D. Never blame anyone in […]
What Are You Anticipating?

Wisdom Of The World “Let us not dwell upon the past, only look with anticipation to all that lies ahead.” – Eleesha “Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them.” – Lucy Maud Montgomery “Wake up anticipating that something good is going to happen and then go out and make it happen.” – […]
Surprised By Love and Life

Wisdom From The World “Love withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever. – Leo F. Buscaglia “Love is full of surprises and serendipity. Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part […]
Has Love Moved Into My Neighborhood?

Wisdom From the World “Faith is permitting ourselves to be seized by the things we do not see.” – Martin Luther “Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. – Kahil Gibran “Faith is to believe what we do not see; the reward of this faith is […]
Empathy Fuels Desire

Wisdom From the World “Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource, but it makes the world a better place.” – Daniel H. Pink “When you show deep empathy towards others, their defensive energy goes down, […]